Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Fire Fighters Threaten Strike Action

It was revealed today that fire fighters may strike across the UK for an indefinite amount of time. Fire unions are claiming that one of their workers, a Mrs. Slouchbottom, who makes tea and coffee between 10:00 - 10:30 in the morning at Spittal Street fire station in Lincolnshire, was unfairly dismmissed. Mrs. Slouchbottom, who celebrated her 98th birthday only last week, is said to be devastated, and is now considering taking early retirement.
Lincoln council, who terminated Mrs. Slouchbottom's employment, claimed that she could no longer carry out her duties, because she was almost deaf, could hardly see and her memory span was only 30 seconds long. Fire unions have dismissed this claim as petty and ageist.
In an interview later on Mrs. Slouchbottom said she supported the strike but couldn't remember why they were striking. The interview was then terminated because Mrs. Slouchbottom fell asleep.


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