Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Blair Calls For Ceasefire Before setting Off To Caribbean

Tony Blair calls for a cessation of hostilities weeks after the rest of the world called for an immediate ceasefire. Blair is heading off for his much needed holiday in the Caribbean, after a stressful month of doing nothing while innocent people continue to be slaughtered in the Lebanese/Israeli conflict.
Tony Blair and George Bush have not called for an immediate ceasefire and seem quite content to let the carnage continue, as long as most of it is in Lebanon and not Israel. Now that Lebanon has been reduced to a sufficient mess and years of reconstruction have been destroyed, Blair is calling for an end to hostilities.
But this comes from a man that has no problems sleeping at night when it comes to the deaths of tens if not hundreds of thousands of innocent people. Certainly the deaths caused by his decisions in Iraq and Afghanistan have not caused him to have sleepless nights.
But then psychopath's dont have sleepless nights.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Opinion: Blair Warns Of "Arc Of Extremism" - Time For Blair To Be Taken To The Funny Farm?

What exactly is an 'Arc of Extremism'?
Who knows, I'm sure Blair doesn't. It sounds like his been talking to his buddy George Bush again, who coined the phrase, 'Axis of Evil.' This worries me. Look what happened last time they got together, they invaded Iraq and Afghanistan. Is this a prelude to the invasion of Syria and Iran? Are these two idiot politicians planning the next world war?
Blair talks about "not winning the battle against this global extremism unless we win it at the level of values as much as force, unless we show we are even-handed, fair and just in our application of those values to the world." Is he joking? Even-handed and fair? Is Blair now suffering from delusions? What's fair about threatening Iran with sanctions if they fail to stop their nuclear program, while at the same time talking of updating our nuclear weapons and building more nuclear power stations? What's fair about Bush supplying nuclear material to India (India has not signed the nuclear proliferation treaty), and threatening Iran with sanctions? What's fair about letting Israel build nuclear weapons, and threatening any other country in the middle east that may even be slightly thinking about a vague possibility of maybe considering nuclear power in the future? What's fair about the US administration vetoing every single UN resolution that may go against Israel?
Has Blair finally lost the plot? We already knew Bush had lost the plot, but now it seems Blair is joining him.
Tony Blair must not only step down immediately from his position as Prime Minister, but he must also be locked up and put in a straight jacket, before he and Bush can cause any more death and destruction in the middle east.

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