Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Bush, Hitler, Lenin, and Bin Laden

In a speech recently, George Idiot Bush, compared Bin Laden to Hitler and Lenin. Firstly there is no comparison between Hitler and Lenin, let alone Bin Laden.
Here's why.
Lenin was the leader of the Communist Revolution in Russia. He had no plans, reasons or need to commit genocide, and never did commit genocide. He had no plans to invade other countries, Lenin was in favour of negotiating peace with Germany in the first world war. He did have plans to support communist parties in other countries, but certainly no more than the USA has supported governments and parties that they would prefer to see in power in other countries.
Hitler was the leader of the Nazi party in Germany, a far right fascist party, virtually the opposite of Lenin's ideals. He did commit genocide. He planned and almost succeeded in over running Europe and Russia.
Where's the comparison?
George Bush, being the idiot that he is, has no idea what he is talking about. Lenin was not Hitler.
Then there's the comparison to Bin Laden. I can't even think of a comparison between Lenin, Hitler and Bin Laden. Osama Bin Laden is a rogue terrorist who has no country. He effectively has no power, only influence. The reason he has influence is because idiots like George Bush keep giving him excuses to spread his influence.
One final point. George Bush has declared war on two countries since being in power, Lenin declared war on none. Who then is more like Hitler, as far as foreign policy goes? Bush or Lenin?

Sunday, September 03, 2006

14 Deaths Will "Distress Whole Country" Says Blair

After the deaths of 14 soldiers in a plane accident in Afghanistan, Tony Blair said it would "distress the whole country."
Perhaps, but what really distressed the whole country happened years ago, when Tony Blair agreed to support George Bush's idiotic plan to re-mold the Middle East into a shape he found more acceptable, by declaring war on two countries for reasons that as yet haven't been realized and never will be realized. And what of the distress of the people of these two countries Bush and Blair so carelessly invaded? The hundreds of thousands of dead and maimed. Has Tony Blair ever mentioned them?
20 Iraqis die here, 50 die there, what does it it matter to Blair and Bush? They both finish their political careers soon, and British soldiers, American Soldiers, Iraqis and Afghans will continue dying long after Blair and Bush settle down to a nice retirement with their families.

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