Tensions Grow Over Welsh Border Dispute
More troops are being sent to the Welsh border, from Britain and Wales, after tensions grew over the disputed land between Gwent in Wales and Glousestershire in England. The Welsh Assembly has demanded that Britain re-draw the border, claiming that during the 17th century, Britain land grabbed part of Wales when they updated border maps. The area in question is of particular interest to the welsh, as it has fertile land, ideal for rearing sheep.
The Welsh assembly has banned any one from traveling across the Welsh border without a passport. They are also considering declaring independence from Great Britain, a move which Britain is unlikely to accept. There have been some skirmishes between the British and Welsh armed forces, but both sides are urging restraint. The UN are convening a meeting to discuss ways of getting both sides to the table, to try and diffuse the tension. Although the US ambassador declined the invitation saying, "Britain's internal affairs are decided by Britain and Britain alone. Besides, Wales doesn't have any oil, so we really don't care."
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