Wednesday, May 24, 2006

US Warns Against Chinese Build Up

This is a genuine headline. "The pace and scope of China's military build-up already place regional military balances at risk," the 58-page Pentagon report said. Now this report comes from the USA, which have spent over $400 billion on it's military which is almost 7 times the amount China has spent. This report comes from the USA which has declared war on twice as many countries as China has this century.
Now, obviously the people in the USA who write these reports have no idea how hypocritical they are, they also either have no sense of what the rest of the world thinks, or actually they don't care, because for the rest of the world, reports like this are becoming a joke. People used to read these types of reports with astonishment at the hypocrisy in them, now they glance at them as if the headline was, "Elvis Found On Mars," and quickly move on to another story.


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